Wednesday 22 February 2012



I previously wrote a blog about my leopard tapestry
from Tapisserie and how I intended it to become a handbag...the idea has now evolved into a cushion. I started working at Tapisserie, a bespoke needle point shop on Walton Street just 3 weeks ago, it has so far been an utter joy. My tasks change on a daily basis: un picking customers canvases, sewing customers canvases, lessons, working at the till....I LOVE working at the till...I feel like a true shop keeper, choosing wools and cottons for the canvases, helping create new canvas ideas..most recently we are working on David Hockney designs and the Queens diamond Jubilee. It is a creative, social work force and truly enables me to really master my organizational skills. Having a tidy work environment is fundamental in order for anything to be complete.

Lady P, has run Tapisserie for over 20 years and she truly has a grace via the way she runs her business, I think she wants me to have my own shop one day...the idea has passed my mind on more than one occasion.

My 'mentors' F and H, are superb...really keep me on my toes and I adore them. F studied as an architect in Italy before moving to be with her beloved, H has a very creative talent and graduated from Glasgow School of Art. Both are beauties, our local delivery man has taken a particular shining to H.

Sadly my internship only lasts for 6 weeks and I will undoubtedly miss this environment I was lucky to find. I have the traveling to await me though....Barcelona, Kenya, Cape Town, here she comes.

God Bless,

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