Monday 13 June 2011

Shoreditch House

On Friday night I was lucky enough to hit the new super swanky Shoreditch House. A place being 'cool' is a necissity at entrance, so planning my outfit had to be precise. Shoreditch I have honestly only ventured to once for a friends birthday party last December and remember it to be quite a blurry night. 

Although the weather went in drips and drabs I had an amazing night. Drinks by the pool to start which looked anything other than tempting but I have been reassured is heated to a Jacuzzi level. Dinner was served downstairs, and yum is all I can say. We had pea and mint soup to start then Goats Cheese Ravioli with pine nuts. The espresso coffee afterward DEFINITELY gave me the energy to carry on going and mooch around. The design is seriously funky and for any of those searching for a suitable location for a party I would definitely recommend this venue although slightly annoying they don't offer private parties on a Saturday night. 

My Stella McCartney solk trousers, James Perse white top, short cut grey leather jacket picked up from a boutique store when I lived in LA and my spanking new Marc Jacob velvet mouse slippers did the absalute trick!

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