Saturday 26 March 2011

My conversion to geekdom.


Glasses. It's a curious thing what seemed to be a major embarrassment for many teens has now become a fashion phenomenon. Perhaps braces will one day come in 'cool'? The average person wears sunglasses at the slight hint of a sun ray not because their vision caught the light but because they feel more comfortable hiding their identity. It boosts confidence and levels down anxiety. (Trust me I witnessed it today.) Im not trying to sound all......I know best, but in this case I can relate because I do it too.

me and potty
Sunglasses are not the topic however for this post Im here to touch down on prescription lenses as I was confirmed short sighted last week. It's such a con. A friend and I were curiously browsing the Arthur Miller specs range as a very beautiful young women approached me with the 'free' eye test. Mmmmmm 'free,' yes please. Thinking it would all be a standard check up and my current specs suited fine, I was dreaming wrongly. After being given an alternative prescription I carefully investigated the frame's. Typically I fell in LOVE with one of the more top of the spectrum pairs. It's a shocker seriously for something you NEED they charge what seems like an arm and a leg. However in confrontation with myself I have accepted I love them and having something you love is worth it. 

Im getting used to them but honestly starting to feel a little self conscious, its something I haven't quite adapted to, my dad and brother needed glasses from an incredibly young age. Eventually with new technology they both researched laser treatment, it was like looking into another person and I suppose I feel a sense of that in the mirror? I feel an entirely different side to me. People react differently as well, typically the gorgeous Patrick teased until my tether nearly split, his response was not exactly comforting either 'Im your brother, Im supposed to be mean to you'. Ok...that makes sense?

Im totally using the power of positivity on this one, for those of who are in a similar position invest in the secret, one of the most amazing and mind boggling books. I have through this discovered that so many people I admire are in the need of eye wear: Franklin Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Julia Roberts, Mahatma Gandhi, The Queen and My Dad, the list continues......



Perhaps my glasses will boost my intelligent vibes and get me into Parsons? Im totally envisioning the secret!

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