Friday 9 March 2012

St James' Street

Today is my last day at Tapisserie...I shed a tear.

I have become more aware of picking up ideas and inspiration from my surrounding's, Monday afternoon was a perfect opportunity. I was feeling a little sypmathetic for my soul. My car was towed. Not something many people I know have experienced and something I also do not advice. It cost a fortune to retireve my lovely Molly, the shock of seeing her spot empty when I returned from a morning stroll by St Lukes church was so much I lost my breath.

After an attempt of angry toward Molly's rightful kidnapper I realised it was in all honesty my fault. (I parked in a suspended bay.) Instead of letting the incident of the morning get me down, G and I took an afternoon's venture to Green Park, the world to Fortnum and Mason, The Ritz and some truly wonderful and classic shops, one of which was Crocket and Jones. The dress shoes were just...the word....sensational, the patent black, fine shoe laces, delicate leather. I was also very intrested in taking a good look at the slippers, comparing to our own at Tapisserie we have made by the team of Cleverly's.

London can be taken advantage of...we are a city of such historic beauty. I don't want to live here for ever I admit. I think a tree house in Bali would suit me better....I wish, I hope, I dream.

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