Sunday 6 February 2011

My City Of Love.

Last weekend I was lucky enough to travel to Rome, a place I have not yet been but heard so much about. 3 days spent in total heaven I had severe Roman withdrawals on my return to London. The culture is just indescribable, from the busty italian women, mouthwatering art and architecture, language, cuisine and so many more. My traveling partner in crime was the fantastically magnifying Miss Isabella who most definitely kept me on my feet throughout my weekend. We stayed in a beautiful hotel just by the piazza del popolo on via del babuino, perfect walking distance from the trevi fountain, Spanish steps and of course via condotti, were designer branches really splash out to a significant level. Whenever I travel to a foreign country buying an item no matter what it is always seems that extra bit special, it reminds me of the place I was in at that very time. I spent a good couple of hours browsing the condotti  but left empty handed. The clothes were so beautiful, but my heart and soul was more interested in buying something for a certain other person rather than myself. The mission was successfully complete. Our hotel concierge told us to warn off St Peter's and the Sistine chapel until afternoon as crowds tend to be more busy during the early hours, this lead our original itinerary into total dismay but I quite enjoy when nothing seems scheduled and your heart informs you with its desire.

First of all on the list was Trevi Fountain were it is essential to throw a coin, make a wish and with this it is fate who brings you back on a return trip to the lovely Rome in order for the wish to come true. From Trevi fountain I saw the spanish steps were flocks of people herd around passing time by, but over all the hi light of my morning was the Pantheon, the cities only architecturally intact monument from classical times. I had no idea what to expect making matters so much more mind boggling to believe that someone created this masterpiece in the 3rd Century using now manufacturing devices which we rely on so much today. The interior measures 43,4 meters in height and width. Some of Italy's most famous kings and artists are buried here.

the pantheons ceiling

Izzy and I throwing coins into the Trevi

Day two emerged which was another shopping frenzy followed by a delicious lunch at Gusto a delicious chic but casual restraunt....great for spying Italy's best dressed mothers who lunch.

Apres lunch we met our lovely tour guide Agnes for a historical afternoon in Vatican City. Michael Angelo's La pieta was on high demand as one of the 100 things I MUST see in my life time. The story behind his ambition is simply inspiring but agonizing at the same time. My neck practically fell out of joint as I manifested myself into the ceiling of the Sistine chapel, imagining what it would be like to complete such a piece of work.

patiently waiting outside the sistine chapel. 

Michael Angelo's the creation

Aroma was the dinner plan that evening which offers the most incredible views of the colosseum.

The colosseum gives me goose pimples just thinking about what actually went on inside their walls, with the gladiators, animals, blood, death, destruction. Gladiator being one of if not my ALL time favorite film (not only because Russell Crowe is an absolute God send) but because the way in which Ridley Scott captures how Romans functioned around the Colosseum and general civilization.

Many aspects startled me one of which was the size, 50,000 spectators would flock in order to satisfy their blood thirsty thoughts. Its creepy but wildly interesting at the same time.

Sadly this was my last outing in Rome and shortly after I boarded my flight home equipped with Gladiators soundtrack on my Ipod....just to make things drag on for longer.

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